Thursday, October 2, 2008

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I typed this into my Etsy search, "easternwateam breast cancer" and discovered our team members who have posted and tagged their items that will benefit the Susan G. Komen Fund. If there are more of you - and I think there are, please tag at least one of your items with both the "easternwateam" tag and "breast cancer." That way, we can find you and give you recognition.

Sagegold Soaps is having a storewide benefit and donating a portion of all of her bar soap sales. You can find more details in her shop announcement.

Roseworks Jewelry also has a storewide benefit happening as announced on her landing page, and a lovely new pink banner too!

I know Ragnazidnar is busily adding items for both her vegetarian sale and for her Breast Cancer benefit. Here is one of her new pink line that will benefit the fund. Look at Randi's shop announcement and check out her special sections in her store.
(This looks like it might be found at the Runway Renegades Show too.)

Annie Kints also has a special section of pink items to benefit the fund. Here is one. She has a nice variety of items involved, so check out her shop announcement and special section for details.

Studio Cherie has pulled all of the pink items from every section of her shop, and made special pink items (like this bag) for her "Pink for October" section. Shop her special section to benefit the Susan G. Komen Fund.

We will do another search in a few days and add to the list of team members participating in this charity event.

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