Saturday, August 16, 2008

come see some talented artists!

Spokane Craft Fair Sep 13th!

This is your invitation to come celebrate the launch of 2nd Saturdays
on September 13th. In an effort to connect regional producers with
consumers we are launching this monthly event at Fresh Abundance! on
Division. Our goal is to celebrate the musicians, artisans, crafter &
sustainable farmer that enrich our community.

We boost our local economy every time we buy something we need from a
local source.

Did you know
For every $100 spent at a Conventional grocery store ...
$25 goes back into the local economy

For every $100 spent at a local market ...
$62 goes back into the local economy and $99 out of the $100 stays in
the state!


Fresh Abundance Organic & LOCAL Foods
2015 N Division (west side of Division across from Mt. Gear)
